Saturday, February 13, 2010

Riggins is Home - Night #1

Riggins came home yesterday afternoon after his TPLO surgery on Thursday.

We met with the surgeon who performed the surgery and were able to see "pre" and "post" surgery x-rays. It seemed a bit surreal to be seeing the first x-rays and then the second with a stainless steel plate and six screws into the bone. We could also see where the bone had been cut, rotated, and screwed back into the tibia.

The drive home was excrutiating, as Riggins laid in the back of the Jeep and cried and moaned. I swear he was not only in pain but also giving me the "what for" for dropping him off at the house of torture. He continued to cry and moan until I said, "I hear you. I know you're ticked. Now lay down and rest." With that, he stopped the crying and moaning and laid down. (Have I mentioned that he's human?)

The evening was much like I expected...Riggins whines constantly and wants the reassurance that we are here with him. We set up a puppy pen in the family room so that he could be with us but confined. He is none too happy about this because he detests being separated from us - even if only by a wire gate. The good news is that the vet said he does not have to be in all the time. If we are out with him and have good voice command, he can lay at our feet, etc.

We do need to assist Riggins when he walks on the hardwoods or stone floors or when going outside. The vet gave us a sling which we wrap around his back half and lug the 96 pound lug like an awkward stack of firewood. His movement is pretty fast, and he slightly weight-bears on the affected leg. The vet assured us that all of this is fine. He just doesn't want Riggins to take off running on us or to jump.

Anyway, Riggins was mainly thirsty last night and drank many, many bowls of water. He rejected food and (gasp!) even peanut butter until about 9 PM. I was grateful that he finally took some food since he had to take his painkillers and Benadryl at 9 PM. And, of course, Fred won him over with a little bit of cheese!

There was not much rest for the weary last night. We put the puppy pen in our bedroom so that his routine would be relatively similar to every other night. He froze when it came to walk into the bedroom on the wood floor, so Fred picked him up and carried him in. Riggins then cried and whined throughout the night. Fred opted to sleep in the spare BR (no need for 2 exhausted people in the house), so I had to find him at 1 AM when Riggins needed to go out. I wasn't sure how Riggins would do without both of us helping him, but - by 6 AM - I had it down pat.

I also spent about 30 minutes in the puppy pen with him at 3 AM. He woke up crying and moaning really badly. His pain meds weren't due for another hour, so I crawled in there with him and was able to keep him somewhat calm until he got his next dose.

This morning...Water (check); potty break (check); food (won't eat it...will try later); pill schedule written down (check); e-collar off (check); e-collar back on (check - tried to lick incision minute I went to get coffee); coffee (check, check, check).

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